The Italian broadcasting duopoly and digital television (VIDEO)

Despite the advent of digital terrestrial technology, Italian television is still dominated by the so called “duopoly” between the public service broadcaster RAI and the privately owned broadcasting giant Mediaset. This situation partially results from the way digital frequencies have been allocated, as denounced by different European institutions.

This video is part of the project “Media in Italy and the digital challenge”, which has carried out with the support of the Open Society Foundation. In addition to a preview on the reform of Italy’s state television RAI, previous episodes have focussed on information sources and digital terrestrial television.

Summary of the episodes:

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Information sources and the use of media in Italy

What are the most used media in Italy, and where do Italians mostly get information?Notwithstanding the penetration of the internet and the new ways young people search for information, recent data shows that the Italian media landscape is still dominated by television.

This slideshow is part of the project “Media in Italy and the digital challenge”, which has carried out with the support of the Open Society Foundation. In addition to a preview on the reform of Italy’s state television RAI, previous episodes have focussed on information sources and digital terrestrial television.

Summary of the episodes:

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Information sources and the use of media in Italy (Video)

What are the most used media in Italy, and where do Italians mostly get information? Notwithstanding the penetration of the internet and the new ways young people search for information, recent data shows that the Italian media landscape is still dominated by television.

This video is part of the project “Media in Italy and the digital challenge”, which has carried out with the support of the Open Society Foundation. In addition to a preview on the reform of Italy’s state television RAI, previous episodes have focussed on information sources and digital terrestrial television.

Summary of the episodes:

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Regulating media plurality and media power in the 21st century

New policy brief on media plurality, co-authored with Rachel Craufurd Smith and Damian Tambini, published online by the LSE:

Craufurd Smith, Rachel, Tambini, Damian and Morisi, Davide (2012) Regulating media plurality and media power in the 21st century. Media policy brief, 7. The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Click here to download

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Italy’s state television Rai and the need for reform

With recent changes in its top management, Italy’s state broadcaster, RAI, has come back into the spotlight. As usual, discussions revolve around appointments and their political dependence. But how does the Italian state television work, and who is in charge of appointment procedures?

This slide-show is a preview of the project “Media in Italy and the digital challenge”, which has carried out with the support of the Open Society Foundation.

Summary of the episodes:

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How does Italy’s state television Rai work?

With recent changes in its top management, Italy’s state broadcaster, RAI, has come back into the spotlight. As usual, discussions revolve around appointments and their political dependence. But how does the Italian state television work, and who is in charge of appointment procedures?

This video is part of the project “Media in Italy and the digital challenge”, which has carried out with the support of the Open Society Foundation. In addition to a preview on the reform of Italy’s state television RAI, previous episodes have focussed on information sources and digital terrestrial television.

Summary of the episodes:
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La neutralità della rete e i rischi per la privacy, risposta alla Agcom

La mia risposta alla consultazione pubblica sulla neutralità della rete, indetta dalla Agcom nell’aprile 2010, è stata di recente pubblicata sul sito dell’Autorità, fra i contributi degli stakeholder. Il mio contributo analizza in particolare le problematiche legate alla privacy, in connessione alle tecniche di gestione del traffico in rete, prendendo come esempio specifico la tecnologia detta Deep Packet Inspection, la quale può comportare seri rischi per la privacy degli utenti.

Leggi la mia risposta alla Agcom.

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Quell’Italia un po’ anglosassone del professor Monti

Difficile a credersi, eppure dietro a quell’inconfondibile aplomb, a quella freddezza accademica, si cela un professore capace di strappare sorrisi e quasi di commuoversi. “È raro provare un’emozione incontenibile, eppure è quello che mi accade ora”. Esordisce proprio così, Mario Monti, nell’old theatre della London School of Economics, di fronte a una platea fitta di studenti accorsi per sentire la lezione del professore, con tanto di biglietti. Tutti esauriti, in meno di 12 ore, e una seconda sala con diretta su maxischermo allestita al volo e anch’essa stipata. Nemmeno fosse una finale del Chelsea.

La distanza dal suo predecessore è abissale e sembra passata un’era geologica da quando, in quelle stesse aule, soltanto pochi mesi prima, ogni riferimento all’Italia veniva inevitabilmente seguito da sogghigni non velati o da quel riso amaro tipico del belpaese. Ora qualcosa pare sia definitivamente cambiato. Sul palco della LSE, c’è un primo ministro italiano, che parla in inglese – ed è già una conquista – scusandosi per “l’accento provinciale”.

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